While we’d all love to sit on the couch, binge watching our next Nextflix obsession while eating some dreamy chocolate cake or caramel popcorn concoction, what we put in our bodies on a day to day basis makes a difference long term. And that doesn’t mean we can never eat some cookie dough out of the tub every now and again, it just means that we need to treat our bodies and minds to a healthy way of living, most of the time.
Nutrition is so much more than just working out and eating some veggies every now and then. Nutrition is really about dialing down on everything that is being put in your body, and making sure that you are choosing a nutrition plan that is sustainable long term. Because what’s the point of starting something we know we can’t sustain? From Keto recipes to different dinner entrees, we’ve got everything you need to live a nutritious lifestyle.
Sometimes finding the time to make nutritious meals can be daunting. But with our collection of salmon, beans and legumes, chicken, vegetables, and other healthy meals, meal planning for your week is easy and stress free. Start by planning a couple days in advance. You could choose to meal prep or just write down the recipes you plan to make for the week. Have fun with it too. If you’re someone who can’t eat the same thing over and over, choose different types of recipes for each day of the week.
> Take a look below at our collection of nutritious and delicious recipes.
For all of that random leftover produce.
TAGS Fruit,Juices,Juicing,Vegetables
An easy way to stay on track.
TAGS Health,Healthy Home,Nutrition
Umami is everything.
TAGS Nutrition
Plus a recipe for a Probiotic Buddha Bowl!
TAGS Nutrition
Seeds that cook like grains.
TAGS Nutrition
The Inspired Home's mission is to inspire, inform and encourage you to make your house into a home, lead a balanced and healthy lifestyle and to create moments to celebrate and connect with your friends and family.
The Inspired Home's mission is to inspire, inform and encourage you to make your house into a home, lead a balanced and healthy lifestyle and to create moments to celebrate and connect with your friends and family.