Ally Phillips

Dr. Alice D’Antoni Phillips worked for decades in her private practice, Education Rx, as an educational therapist and school psychologist. In 2010, she rewrote her life script to follow her lifelong passion for cooking and created ‘Ally’s Kitchen.” She is the creative brains behind her trademarked Bohemian Bold thinking. fooding. living.® An award-winning home cook, a World Food recipe champ and social media ambassador for Dole Packaged Foods, Ally dreams in food technicolor and when her feet hit the ground, she’s in the kitchen! Her first cookbook Ally’s Kitchen~A Passport for Adventurous Palates debuts in May 2015. Ally’s penchant for life, traveling and adventure, in the 1960s reflects her hippie roots—albeit today sprinkled with chic sophistication, and her world comes complete with a magic carpet for her tribe.