We all try our best to avoid germs this time of year: We wash our hands diligently throughout the day. We stay hydrated and eat well. We get flu shots.
But despite our best efforts, sometimes the flu still knocks us out. If you find yourself out of commission for a week (or more) every winter thanks to hacking, sneezing, and coughing, consider a different type of preventative strategy: technology. These 5 gadgets and home appliances, with their smarts, can help you prevent or quickly cure the flu this winter season and beyond.
Essick Air Pedestal Humidifier
A powerful humidifier can be a breath of fresh air – literally. A properly humidified home or room can keep airborne flu viruses at bay, so make sure you run your humidifier all season long. Not sure which humidifier to get? Invest in the Essick Air Pedestal EP9800 Humidifier. This sleek pedestal could easily be mistaken for a side table, and its front-fill reservoir is easy to use. But with a runtime of up to 60 hours, you won’t have to fill it up very often.
Crane SmartHeater
When you feel a cold coming on, the last thing you want to be is cold. Thankfully, the compact Crane SmartHeater brings the heat to even the largest of rooms. It works in areas as large as 500 square feet, and it’s so quiet you’ll barely even know it’s working. And the best part? You can turn it on and off from anywhere using the Crane mobile app. So, you can have your toasty room ready and waiting for when you get home.
Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer
Green juice may be trendy, but the truth is, trends often catch on for a reason. Certain fruits and vegetables – think spinach, pomegranate, and acai – are immunity-boosting and help fight the flu. No better way to up your vegetable intake than to jump into juicing. The Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer’s has a 3” wide feed tube that can take in whole fruits (read: less chopping), and gentle squeeze preserves all beneficial nutrients. Plus, easy clean-up tools makes it less of a pain when you’re not feeling your best.
Verilux CleanWave UV-C Portable Sanitizing Travel Wand
You can’t possibly know where every germ is lurking, but you can travel prepared to fight them off. The Verilux CleanWave UV-C Portable Sanitizing Travel Wand is everything you want from a sanitizer. Arguably the most important feature of the wand is that it’s chemical-free, relying instead on a powerful ultraviolet light to zap away germs. You (and your family) don’t have to worry about any toxic odors or residue. The wand is also cordless, battery operated, and shockingly fun to use.
Philips Connected Ear Thermometer
Despite your best efforts, you or your little ones still might come down with the flu this season. When someone’s not feeling well and exhaustion takes over, you probably won’t have the energy to wrestle with an inaccurate or hard-to-use thermometer. This digital thermometer from Philips will help you avoid that hassle. With a two-second touch to the ear, you’ll know if it’s a fever or if someone’s just a bit overheated. The app will help you monitor temperatures over time,