Add a Superfood Twist to Your Summer Scoops

Summertime means all you can eat ice cream. Ice cream after lunch, ice cream after dinner, homemade ice cream on the weekends…you get the idea.

But who says you can’t add something a little nutritious to your favorite summertime sweat? We are all about superfood toppings, herbaceous add-ons, and floral garnishes, so why not incorporate them into our sweats?!

From lemongrass ice cream with bee pollen toppings to chocolate vegan ice cream with rose petals on top, we’ve rounded up six of the summer’s most delicious superfood toppings (and their partner ice cream) recipes to get you through the next several months with some healthy, feel-good indulgences.

What are your favorite healthy toppings?


Mint Matcha Ice Cream

Honeycomb & Chamomile Ice Cream

Honey Walnut Ice Cream with Rosemary on top

Lemongrass Ice Cream with Bee Pollen Garnish

Vegan Coconut & Rose Petal Ice Cream with Cardamom Crumble Toppings

Coconut Ice Cream with Pineapple, Sage & Crushed Pistachios on top