6 Feng Shui Essentials for Happy Pets

In my family, the dogs are family, and I’d be hard-pressed to find people who didn’t feel the same!

Dog owners tend to be more active, more social and more connected to their neighborhood, and pet owners in general tend to have lower stress levels, lower blood pressure and more happiness overall.

Pets even improve your immune system! Acclaimed gastroenterologist, Robynne Chutkan, recommends living with pets as an incredible way to enrich your microbiome, enhancing your digestion and bettering your overall health and well-being.

Caring for and loving any and every type of pet will expand the energy of empathy in your life, helping you stay in the frame of mind to feel what others are feeling. That emotional attunement transforms everything you do in your life, boosting your emotional intelligence and the depths of your daily experiences.

Our pets reflect our energy. By keeping your own life calm and organized, your pet thrives. Vice versa, the more you can help your pet to thrive, the more energy you’ll feel flood back to you!

Just like us, pets need good feng shui. Here are some basics to set up a home where pet shui prevails!

1. Make sure that your pets have lots of fresh, circulating air.

At home, I open windows, use blade-free fans and make sure that my air purifier is working brilliantly. My dogs – like many pets – react to seasonal allergens, sneezing up a storm. A comprehensive air purifier like Winix’s Ultimate Pet Series with a true-HEPA filter and an Advanced Odor Control Carbon Filter is a wonder for them – and me, too!

2. Keep the floors pristine, as your pets are very close to the ground and also like to forage for food, licking floors indiscriminately.

Mop regularly (at least every other day) and always keep a vacuum on hand, even if you have hardwood floors! Shimono’s Pro-Cyclone is a nifty-looking powerhouse hand-held vacuum for getting into the hard-to reach corners and under furniture where hairballs and dust collects.

3. Give them their own space.

Whether it’s a pillow, a scratching post, or their own bed or sofa (like dog sofas from Enchanted Home Pet – AMAZING!) or chair, we all need a place to call our own!

4. Add soft textures to create a supportive environment for your pets.

Throw blankets are great to protect your furniture while adding more plush. Lush rugs like the spectacular Grund rugs that are easily washable and totally durable are a big hit with cuddly animals and stylish homes!

5. Make them their own superfood treats.

Gelatin made with coconut water is a hydrating jello favorite!

Boil 3 cups of coconut water. Meanwhile, empty 4 packets of plain gelatin into 1 cup of cold water in a big metal bowl. Add boiling coconut water to the cold water and stir until the gelatin dissolves. Pour the jello into a shallow pan and refrigerate until firm. You can garnish with favorite dog treats before it sets.

I cut these with charming cookie cutters from American Cookie Cutter Co.. They have a shape for every occasion.

6. Give them their own dining room.

For your health and the health of your pets, your dining areas should be separate and organized. Dog food feeders are brilliant. Just pick the right height and size for your pet, situated in their own area of the kitchen or dining area. Neater Feeders keep floors from becoming an obstacle course of food bowls and splashed water!

7. Also…for great feng shui + pet shui… Keep your home free of clutter.

Clutter fosters bad moods and obstacles. Everyone thrives in a home where energy flows and things are in a clear, happy place.