What to Do During Your Social Media Break

Have you taken a social media break? With the increased awareness of mental health, many more people, myself included are taking social media breaks.

Just like anything else, breaks are a good thing! If you find yourself on social media multiple times a day for work or just for leisure, taking a break will do you some good.

But how exactly do you take a social media break? And even when you decide to take a social media break, what else are you supposed to do?

Taking a social media break does not have to be dramatic. You don’t need to go online and tell everyone you are leaving and write a long dramatic goodbye. Just leave. Yep. I’ve found that for the most part, if you just take a break, people will catch on. You can also delete the apps or distractions off your phone and Facebook will let you temporarily deactivate your account so you aren’t tempted to jump back on.

Okay, so you’ve taken the break. Now, what do you do with all that free time? I’m glad you asked! Your social media break is the perfect time to practice things like mindfulness, setting goals, moving more, and getting organized.


Social media is a great way to get inspired. But now that you are on a break, you have the opportunity to get inspired somewhere else. Visit some museums, a local market, travel to a different state, etc. Do something that gets you motivated and inspired to set some goals!

During my breaks, I’m always ready to do some planning for family and for my blog. So having a pen, paper, and calendar is a must. I love this planner and journal by See Jane Work! It’s the perfect way to stay organized and keep all your thoughts in one spot.


Social media can end up sucking hours of your time and not really produce any real progress. On your break, pick up a favorite book that you have been waiting to start or finish. Reading in a cozy corner of your room or apartment can give you all the feels. To really boost the mood, set up a diffuser.

Listen to a podcast.

I love podcasts! I listen to mostly educational and design ones along with wellness. Scroll through some and once you land on a favorite, put on a pair of headphones and listen to them at your desk, while you’re working out, or at night right before bed.

Try a new recipe.

More time on your hands means being more thoughtful about everything. Right now is a great time to make a new healthy recipe that you can add to your weekly meal plan. I like to look for things that are easy to make. This Grilled Cilantro Chicken recipe from my blog is a favorite right now! It’s delicious and can be made on the weeknight or weekend. It will definitely make its way into your monthly menu.

Purge and organize.

Pick an area in your home that needs to be decluttered and tackle it! Invest in a few different pieces like these from neatfreak! to keep things organized!

This closet organizer is great for your linens. It has drawers for pillowcases and shams and shelves for blankets and duvets and is so easy to put together.

The under the bed storage bag gives you extra storage that is tucked away out of sight and great for small spaces.

Are you ready for a social media break? What will be first on your list of things to do?