6 Gadgets for Fresher Air and Water

We all know that clean air and water are important to maintaining good health. But the reality is, there’s a lot more pollution in our daily intake than you may realize – and you don’t have to live in or near a city to feel the effects.

As a mom, I think about this a lot. I want to make sure that I’m doing what I can to create a home that allows for optimal breathing and sleep habits — the wrong humidity levels and air pollutants can wreak havoc on a good night’s sleep. Plus the idea of drinking pollutants (or showering in them) is just icky — with all the pollutants outside our home, why open the door and let them in?

So today, I’m sharing a few gadgets that can help you measure and regulate the amount of pollution in your home’s air and water supply. Even if you or your family members don’t have conditions like asthma that are visibly aggravated by poor air or water quality, it’s always a good idea to keep your intake in check. Here are six tech-smart ways to do it.

BONECO Hybrid Humidifier & HEPA Air Purifier H680, $229

Equipped with a HEPA active carbon filter (stands for high-efficiency particulate arrestance — AKA, the best at pulling ick from the air), this humidifier-purifier hybrid has built-in sensors to measure air quality and can be controlled with a remote. Considering most of the purifiers out there are around $500 or more, this is an affordable option for those wanting basic everyday filtration that’s reliable and tech-forward.

Crane smartAIR Purifier, $549

If you’re partial to app-controlled devices like I am, this is a solid pick. Not only can you control this purifier from anywhere via WiFi, it has a four-step filtration system that captures nearly 100 percent of airborne odors and allergens, a particle and VOC sensor system, and a HEPA filter on board. Breathe deep.

AIRMEGA 300S The Smarter Air Purifier, $649

Another great app-enabled option, the AIRMEGA 300S is Energy Star certified (read: eco-friendly) and has a two-step filtration system that first traps light odors, then handles allergens and airborne particles. To boost efficiency, it automatically changes the filter speeds and has a shut-off timer mode.

Objecto W4 Hybrid Humidifier, $284

By far one of the chicest humidifiers you’ll come across, the Objecto W4 hybrid is as affordable as it is design-friendly. Though it isn’t app-enabled (remote control only), the built-in aromatherapy option is a definite bonus you’ll look forward to coming home to.

Winix HR1000 5-Stage WiFi Enabled Air Cleaner , $350

The Winix has a built-in air quality indicator and is WiFi and remote control-enabled like some of the other models I’ve mentioned, but also has a unique five-stage air cleaning process that includes a pre-filter, HEPA and carbon filters, and CleanCel and Plasmawave technologies. In other words, no allergens are getting past this guy. Oh, and it’s Energy Star rated, too.

AquaBoy® Pro II Air to Water Generator , $1849

I’ve devoted a lot of time to air purification here, but clean water is just as important. This generator pulls water from the air and purifies it for a variety of home uses, which is great news for our increasingly scarce underground water resources (especially in drought-riddled California, where I live). It’s got a hefty price tag, but consider that it produces up to five gallons of purified hot and cold water per day and works by simply plugging it into a 120V receptacle (no installation or plumbing required) — a great alternative to buying bottled water for the family each week, and a lot better for the environment, too.

Want more ideas for how to achieve clean air in your home?

Check out these helpful tips: