Everyone knows it’s important to drink water. But do you know why? Water is clinically proven to improve mood, boost energy, promote weight loss, detox organs, reduce muscle fatigue and rev metabolism. Still, most of us don’t get enough. Experts recommend a daily intake of around 92 ounces for women and 124 ounces for men.
That’s a lot of H2O! And in our humble, hydrated opinion, it goes down a lot easier when it’s infused with fresh, juicy flavors and served from a gorgeous glass vessel. Fill up a carafe now, and see how much better you feel once you’ve drained it dry.
Grapefruit-Pomegranate Detox
- 1 small grapefruit, washed and cut into wedges small enough to fit into your water bottle’s infusion chamber
- 1 small handful of pomegranate seeds
- 1 sprig of fresh mint or rosemary (optional)
- Wash grapefruit.
- Cut into wedges small enough to fit into your water bottle’s infusion chamber. Optional: Trim rinds after cutting into wedges.
- Into the infusion chamber place wedges. Add pomegranate seeds, plus mint or rosemary.
You can carry an infused water bottle to work, school or the gym to automatically up your daily water intake.
Strawberry Lemon Booster
- 1 lemon
- 1 small handful of strawberries
- Wash lemon and strawberries.
- Cut fruit into slices small enough to fit into your water bottle’s infusion chamber.
- Into the infusion chamber place fruit.
Have a glass . . .
- Before every meal to avoid overeating.
- Within 15 minutes after getting out of bed to wake up and start your metabolism.
- When you’re about to reach for a snack to fill up and resist temptation.
Cucumber Kiwi Lime Spa Water
- 1 small cucumber
- 1 small kiwi
- 1 lime
- 1 sprig of fresh mint (optional)
- Wash cucumber, kiwi and lime.
- Cut cucumber and fruit into slices small enough to fit into your water bottle’s infusion chamber.
- Into the infusion chamber place cucumber, fruit and mint.